TOEIC registration form

If you wish to finance your TOEIC preparation and test through Proglish’s CPF offers, please click here.
Si vous souhaitez financer votre préparation et votre test TOEIC grâce aux offres CPF (compte personnel de formation) de Proglish, cliquez ici.

You need to prepare yourself for the test…

Choose TOEIC official preparation tools to both work on your English and prepare yourself for the test to increase your chance of getting a higher score:

■ TOEIC Official Learning and Preparation Course (Modules 1,2,3 – 12 months access)
■ Super Prepa for the TOEIC Test Premium+ (mobile app – 12 months access)

You are ready but it’s the first time you are taking the TOEIC test…

It’s a good idea to take an official preparation test first to familiarize yourself with the real test format. This will help you perform better in the real test.

■ Online Preparation Test – TOEIC Listening and Reading Adaptive (1 hour)

You are ready and have already taken the TOEIC test…

Go ahead and choose the official adaptive test, an online test that lasts approximately one hour:

■ Adaptive TOEIC® Listening and Reading test (≈ 1 hour)

Plus d’information

    Please fill in the form below and we'll contact you ASAP to start your preparation and/or arrange your test session.

    Choose the individual item or items you are interested in below, or choose the whole package to save 30 euros: (required)